Thursday 16 January 2014

A New Beginning..........

16th Jan 2014

Photographing the sunset is one of my favorite things. The Sun seems to be full of life just before its about to set , to me it relates to happiness at its fullest. I used to always think that as the sun begins to set the happiness begins to go away, its the beginning of darkness. Until someone said that its the beginning of a new journey,at some point of time i thought its just a saying it doesn't mean anything , but i realized that it might be true , we all look forward to the next day whether the day was good or bad. If it was a bad day we wish the next day will be good and if the day was good then we wish the next day will be better. So.. in way we all wait for the sunset to make our wish come TRUE.....
(This photo was taken at one of the favorite spots in Mumbai, this place is  beautiful it has a magical power you can say in a way, if your sad it makes you feel like there's hope and if your happy it makes you feel that it will remain forever)